Black Sea Kuban Railway of 1911
4.5% bond loan of 1911 of Black Sea Kuban Railway company bond guaranteed by the Russian Government of 1.913.760 sterling which equaled 18.085.032 roubles nominal. The loan was for the construction, equipping, and working of the Black-Sea Kuban railway from the city of Ekaterinodar to the stanitza Primorsko-Akhtarsk and from teh station Krymskaja of the Vladikovkas railway to Kushtchevka of the same railway.The loan was divided into 28,278 bonds for 20 sterling or 189 roubles each; 11,482 bonds for 100 sterling or 945 roubles; and 400 bonds for 500 sterling or 4725 roubles.Teh loan was secured by the company and the Russian Government.
debt, security